Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Meet The Cast

Throughout the course of this blog, there will be some... characters. Apparently nuts like me always seem to find other nuts. I must have a sort of magnetic pull to other mentally imbalanced people. It's a gift.

However, the stars of the show will be me and my family. Family meaning my husband, for the most part. Sometimes our dog. Our three-creature family is a little on the batty side. Apparently the "opposites attract thing" is completely wrong, because we all found each other and are all sometimes "one sandwich short of a picnic."

So, without further ado, a quick overview of our clan.

Kristina (me): Probably the nuttiest of the bunch. Bipolar type I, rapid-cycling, so sometimes way up and sometimes way down. Lately been somewhere in the middle, despite tossing medicines because a non-pregnant woman shouldn't lactate or gain 25 lbs. in a month. And the passing out when standing up too quickly and tremors are inconvenient. Add Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD into the mix, and you've got Kristina, completely mad. Prone to deep cleaning the house at 3 a.m and sometimes convinced that there are hidden cameras in the house.

Adam (husband): Quite possibly the most sane, despite his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Has seemingly endless patience. Is known to check locks (and just about everything else) a bazillion times, occasionally drive his wife crazy, and repeat things. A lot. Adopted from South Korea as an infant by two people whose sanity must also be questioned at times. Currently in the Navy as an MA, but at a Marine Corps command, which means that the people he works with are insufferable and, for the most part, idiots. Adored by me.

Becca (dog that thinks she's a Homo sapien): Only less sane than Adam because she doesn't realize she's a dog. Pit Bull Terrier/Labrador mix. Rescued by me a year and a half ago and has since been spoiled rotten. Likes to use pillows and sleep under blankets. Feels entitled to leftovers after meals to the point that if she gets none, she searches the house because we must be hiding it. Since she met Adam, she has lost interest in me (who feeds and bathes and all around takes care of her. Oh, and did I mention that I rescued her?) and acts like a 13-year-old pursuing her first crush. Barks when I get close to Adam and kicks me off the bed. Apparently I'm stealing her man.

An all-star cast, amirite?

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